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Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun TiO2-Activated Carbon Complex Fiber as Photocatalyst

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6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : Min-Jung Jung, Euigyung Jeong, Jeen-Seok Jang, Young-Seak Lee


1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions

한국어 초록

In this study, TiO2-Activated carbon (AC) complex fibers were prepared by electrospinning for the synergetic effect of
adsorption and degradation of organic pollutant. The average diameter of these fibers increased with increasing the amount of
AC added, except for 1AC-TOF (AC/TiO2 =1/40 mass ratio). After calcinations at 500oC, long as-spun fibers were broken
and their average diameter was slightly decreased. The resultant fibers after calcination had rough surface and sphere shapes
like a peanut. From XRD results, it was confirmed that as-spun fibers were changed to anatase TiO2 fiber after calcinations at
500oC. The prepared TiO2-AC complex fibers could remove procian blue dyes by solar light irradiation with high removal
property of 94~99%. The PB dye was rapidly removed by adsorption during the initial 5 minutes. But after 5 minutes, dye
removal was occurred by photodegradation. In this study, the most efficient AC/TiO2 ratio of TiO2-AC complex fibers was 5/
40, showing the synergetic effect of adsorption and photodegradation. It is expected that the TiO2-AC complex fibers can be
used to remove of organic pollutants in water system.

영어 초록

In this study, TiO2-Activated carbon (AC) complex fibers were prepared by electrospinning for the synergetic effect ofadsorption and degradation of organic pollutant. The average diameter of these fibers increased with increasing the amount ofAC added, except for 1AC-TOF (AC/TiO2 =1/40 mass ratio). After calcinations at 500oC, long as-spun fibers were brokenand their average diameter was slightly decreased. The resultant fibers after calcination had rough surface and sphere shapeslike a peanut. From XRD results, it was confirmed that as-spun fibers were changed to anatase TiO2 fiber after calcinations at500oC. The prepared TiO2-AC complex fibers could remove procian blue dyes by solar light irradiation with high removalproperty of 94~99%. The PB dye was rapidly removed by adsorption during the initial 5 minutes. But after 5 minutes, dyeremoval was occurred by photodegradation. In this study, the most efficient AC/TiO2 ratio of TiO2-AC complex fibers was 5/40, showing the synergetic effect of adsorption and photodegradation. It is expected that the TiO2-AC complex fibers can beused to remove of organic pollutants in water system.

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Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun TiO2-Activated Carbon Complex Fiber as Photocatalyst
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