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Preparation of Pt Catalysts Supported on ACF with CNF via Catalytic Growth

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : Sang-Sun Park, Jun Ki Rhee, Yu Kwon Jeon, Sungwon Choi, Yong-Gun



한국어 초록

Carbon supported electrocatalysts are commonly used as electrode materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel
cells(PEMFCs). These kinds of electrocatalysts provide large surface area and sufficient electrical conductivity. The support of
typical PEM fuel cell catalysts has been a traditional conductive type of carbon black. However, even though the carbon
particles conduct electrons, there is still significant portion of Pt that is isolated from the external circuit and the PEM,
resulting in a low Pt utilization. Herein, new types of carbon materials to effectively utilize the Pt catalyst are being evaluated.
Carbon nanofiber/activated carbon fiber (CNF/ACF) composite with multifunctional surfaces were prepared through catalytic
growth of CNFs on ACFs. Nickel nitrate was used as a precursor of the catalyst to synthesize carbon nanofibers(CNFs). CNFs
were synthesized by pyrolysising CH4 using catalysts dispersed in acetone and ACF(activated carbon fiber). The as-prepared
samples were characterized with transmission electron microscopy(TEM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM). In TEM
image, carbon nanofibers were synthesized on the ACF to form a three-dimensional network. Pt/CNF/ACF was employed as
a catalyst for PEMFC. As the ratio of prepared catalyst to commercial catalyst was changed from 0 to 50%, the performance
of the mixture of 30 wt% of Pt/CNF/ACF and 70wt% of Pt/C commercial catalyst showed better perfromance than that of
100% commercial catalyst. The unique structure of CNF can supply the significant site for the stabilization of Pt particles.
CNF/ACF is expected to be promising support to improve the performance in PEMFC.

영어 초록

Carbon supported electrocatalysts are commonly used as electrode materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuelcells(PEMFCs). These kinds of electrocatalysts provide large surface area and sufficient electrical conductivity. The support oftypical PEM fuel cell catalysts has been a traditional conductive type of carbon black. However, even though the carbonparticles conduct electrons, there is still significant portion of Pt that is isolated from the external circuit and the PEM,resulting in a low Pt utilization. Herein, new types of carbon materials to effectively utilize the Pt catalyst are being evaluated.Carbon nanofiber/activated carbon fiber (CNF/ACF) composite with multifunctional surfaces were prepared through catalyticgrowth of CNFs on ACFs. Nickel nitrate was used as a precursor of the catalyst to synthesize carbon nanofibers(CNFs). CNFswere synthesized by pyrolysising CH4 using catalysts dispersed in acetone and ACF(activated carbon fiber). The as-preparedsamples were characterized with transmission electron microscopy(TEM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM). In TEMimage, carbon nanofibers were synthesized on the ACF to form a three-dimensional network. Pt/CNF/ACF was employed asa catalyst for PEMFC. As the ratio of prepared catalyst to commercial catalyst was changed from 0 to 50%, the performanceof the mixture of 30 wt% of Pt/CNF/ACF and 70wt% of Pt/C commercial catalyst showed better perfromance than that of100% commercial catalyst. The unique structure of CNF can supply the significant site for the stabilization of Pt particles.CNF/ACF is expected to be promising support to improve the performance in PEMFC.

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Preparation of Pt Catalysts Supported on ACF with CNF via Catalytic Growth
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