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Preparation of pitch from pyrolized fuel oil by electron beam radiation and its melt-electrospinning property

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7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 15권 / 2호
저자명 : Jin-Young Jung, oung-Seak Lee


1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions

한국어 초록

Spinnable pitch for melt-electrospinning was obtained from pyrolized fuel oil by electronbeam (E-beam) radiation treatment. The modified pitch was characterized by measuring itselemental composition, softening point, viscosity, molecular weight, and spinnability. Thesoftening point and viscosity properties of the modified pitch were influenced by reformingtypes (heat or E-beam radiation treatment) and the use of a catalyst. The softening point andmolecular weight were increased in proportion to absorbed doses of E-beam radiation andadded AlCl3 due to the formation of pitch by free radical polymerization. The range of themolecular weight distribution of the modified pitch becomes narrow with better spinningowing to the generated aromatic compounds with similar molecular weight. The diameter ofmelt-electrospun pitch fibers under applied power of 20 kV decreased 53% (4.7 ± 0.9 μm)compared to that of melt-spun pitch fibers (10.2 ± 2.8 μm). It is found that E-beam treatmentfor reforming could be a promising method in terms of time-savings and cost-effectiveness,and the melt-electrospinning method is suitable for the preparation of thinner fibers thanthose obtained with the conventional melt-spinning method.

영어 초록

Spinnable pitch for melt-electrospinning was obtained from pyrolized fuel oil by electron
beam (E-beam) radiation treatment. The modified pitch was characterized by measuring its
elemental composition, softening point, viscosity, molecular weight, and spinnability. The
softening point and viscosity properties of the modified pitch were influenced by reforming
types (heat or E-beam radiation treatment) and the use of a catalyst. The softening point and
molecular weight were increased in proportion to absorbed doses of E-beam radiation and
added AlCl3 due to the formation of pitch by free radical polymerization. The range of the
molecular weight distribution of the modified pitch becomes narrow with better spinning
owing to the generated aromatic compounds with similar molecular weight. The diameter of
melt-electrospun pitch fibers under applied power of 20 kV decreased 53% (4.7 ± 0.9 μm)
compared to that of melt-spun pitch fibers (10.2 ± 2.8 μm). It is found that E-beam treatment
for reforming could be a promising method in terms of time-savings and cost-effectiveness,
and the melt-electrospinning method is suitable for the preparation of thinner fibers than
those obtained with the conventional melt-spinning method.

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Preparation of pitch from pyrolized fuel oil by electron beam radiation and its melt-electrospinning property
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