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생명신학과 사회복지선교

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 7,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 20권
저자명 : 박영환

영어 초록

Jong Hyun Jang proclaimed “Life Theology” through the Baekseok University under the name of Baekseok theology. The Korean church and christianity is undergoing a difficult time. Especially the social welfare mission became due to statistics and evaluations more focused on capacity and results than the way of Jesus Christ. Jong Hyun Jang's “Life Theology” revived the Gospel in that sense. Although his work seems like the “Life Theology” of Alfred Jaeger, however he focuses on a much more pragmatical way on becoming more like Jesus Christ. He shows a crossroad in which “Life Theology” and Social Welfare Theology meet. Social Welfare Mission is the fastest way to actually do the work of Jesus Christ and spread his word as he did. “Life Theology” is the center of the Social Welfare Theology in which we live and serve as servants. This is why “Life Theology” is the future of the Social Welfare Theology. Thus, “Life Theology” with the aid of Social Welfare Theology will be able to revive and encourage people in desperate need to a new way of life. The background of this can be described in three points. 1) the center of the Social Welfare Theology-Christianity- Jesus Christ centered, 2) the framework of the Social Welfare Theology-church theology-the member and the leader of a community 3) the context of the Social Welfare Theology - Kingdom of God - behavior and attitude. These 3 components are important parts in practicing Social Welfare Theology. Since today Social Welfare Mission took a variety of forms and experienced difficulties in establishing itself in a dynamic changing society. Social Welfare Theology has more non religious factors (financial support, management, etc.) than ordinary mission itself. Thus it lead to arguments of the purpose of the mission and its meaning itself. The Social Welfare Mission also had difficulties in adapting in a secular and diverse society. Such difficulties now stand before the "Life Theology" to achieve a core meaning centered around Jesus Christ. Thus, not something which just looks like spreading the good word, but doing it like Jesus did is the main idea of the Social Welfare mission. Jong Hyun Jang’s “Life Theology” has been proven through the Baekseok University to work hand in hand with the social welfare mission. It remains subject to the next generation of scholars to see how Jong Hyun Jang’s Life Theology establishes itself in the future.

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