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곡물 및 사료오염 데옥시니발레놀 및 대사체에 의한 인축질환 연계 생체지표 및 바이오모니터링

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발행기관 : 한국식품위생안전성학회 수록지정보 : 한국식품위생안전성학회지 / 29권 / 2호
저자명 : 문유석, 김동욱


노출 생체지표(exposure biomarker)로서의DON 및 대사체
장관미생물 대사물 노출생체지표
간 대사효소에 의한 독소 대사물 노출생체지표
감수성 생체지표(susceptibility biomarker)로서의 대사효소의 이용
장내 미생물대사에 대한 감수성
간대사 감수성
영향 생체지표(effect biomarker) 및 기능에기반한 바이오모니터링
혈액 및 면역독성 생체지표
Anorexia 및 신경내분비 생체지표
동물대체 세포기반 생체지표 바이오모니터링동향과 진보
요약 및 결론

영어 초록

Deoxynivalenol (DON) and related trichothecene mycotoxins are extensively distributed in the cereal-based food and feed stuffs worldwide. Recent climate changes and global grain trade increased chance of exposure to more DON and related toxic metabolites in poorly managed production systems. Monitoring the biological and environmental exposures to the toxins are crucial in protecting human and animals from toxicities of the hazardous contaminants in food or feeds. Exposure biomarkers including urine DON itself are prone to shift to less harmful metabolites by intestinal microbiota and liver metabolic enzymes. De-epoxyfication of DON by gut microbes such as Eubacterium strain BBSH 797 and Eubacterium sp. DSM 11798 leads to more fecal secretion of DOM-1. By contrast, most of plant-derived DON-glucoside is also easily catabolized to free DON by gut microbes, which produces more burden to body. Phase 2 hepatic metabolism also contributes to the glucuronidation of DON, which can be useful urine biomarkers. However, chemical modification could be very typical depending on the anthropologic or genetic background, luminal bacteria, and hepatic metabolic enzyme susceptibility to the toxins in the diet. After toxin exposure, effect biomarkers are also important in estimating the linkage and mechanisms of foodborne diseases in human and animal population. Most prominent adverse effects are demonstrated in the DON-induced immunological and behavioral disorders. For instance, acutely elevated interleukin-8 from insulted gut exposed to dietaty DON is a dominant clinical biomarker in human and animals. Moreover, subchronic exposure to the toxins is associated with high levels of serum IgA, a biological mediator of IgA nephritis. In particular, anorexia monitoring using mouse models are recently developed to monitor the biological activities of DON-induced feed refusal. It is also mechanistically linked to alteration of serotoin and peptide YY, which are promising biomarkers of neurological disorders by the toxins. As animalalternative biomonitoring, huamn enterocyte-based assay has been developed and more realistic gut mimetic models would be useful in monitoring the effect biomarkers in resposne to toxic contaminants in the future investigations.

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