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보차도용 투수블록의 공용기간에 따른 투수성능 효과 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국도로학회 수록지정보 : 한국도로학회논문집 / 25권 / 5호
저자명 : 박대근, 전범준, 조시형, 김현석, 정원경


1. 서론
2. 투수블록 현황 조사분석
2.1. 투수블록 등급화 제도
2.2. 서울시 투수블록 설치현황
2.3. 서울시 투수지속성 검증시험 현황
3. 보도용 투수블록 공용성 평가
3.1. 보도구간 투수성능 추적조사 결과
3.2. 보도용 투수블록 등급별 공용기간 예측 결과
4. 차도용 투수블록 공용성 평가
4.1. 차도구간 투수성능 추적조사 결과
4.2. 차도용 투수블록 공용기간 예측 회귀분석 결과
5. 결론

영어 초록

PURPOSES : This study aims to analyze and summarize test results related to permeable blocks used for sidewalks and roadways as an alternative to conventional urban road pavement technology, specifically focusing on low-impact development (LID) techniques. Furthermore, it aims to provide reference data on the feasibility of current policy implementation and future policy directions through a longterm analysis of the performance and durability of permeable blocks in sidewalk and roadway construction. METHODS : The research methodology involves (1) conducting a survey on the status and actual conditions of permeability sustainability tests based on the results of permeability persistence tests conducted in Seoul over nine years, from 2013 to 2021; (2) analyzing the differences between the permeability block rating system of Seoul City and that employed by the Ministry of Environment; (3) analyzing the permeability of graded pavement sections in permeable blocks for sidewalks after three years of public use and deriving a regression analysis formula to estimate the maintenance period; (4) analyzing the permeability of pavement sections in permeable blocks for roadways after five years of public use and deriving a regression analysis formula to estimate the maintenance period. RESULTS : This study revealed significant improvements in the performance and quality control of permeable blocks since the implementation of the permeability sustainability test in Seoul in 2013. An analysis of the differences in the permeability coefficient and distribution based on the rating systems of Seoul City and the Ministry of Environment showed that rating system of Seoul City has approximately twice the permeability coefficient quality standard compared to that of the Ministry of Environment. Regression analysis indicated that the firstgrade permeable block was predicted to maintain its permeability for approximately 5.1 years, whereas the third-grade permeable block was predicted to maintain its permeability for approximately 3.1 years. In roadway-permeable block pavements, the first-grade sections maintained excellent quality conditions even after five years, and regression analysis predicted a permeability maintenance period ranging from eight to 17 years. CONCLUSIONS : The correlation analysis of the permeability coefficients based on the common usage period of permeable blocks for sidewalks and roadways presented in this study can provide more accurate estimations of commonality. However, further research under various environmental conditions is required to supplement these findings. Considering the lack of studies on permeable block commonality analysis in Korea, this study highlights the significance of conducting long-term experimental follow-up research to establish commonality prediction formulas for different usage scenarios.

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보차도용 투수블록의 공용기간에 따른 투수성능 효과 분석
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