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Oscilloscope and Resonance Circuit

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 예비 래포트입니다. 누구한테 준 적 없는 자료이구요 ~ A0 받았습니다 ~~


① Find out about the mechanism of oscilloscope and cathode cay display.
② Describe the way of connecting signal to oscilloscope, triggering, and measuring time/voltage/frequency.
③ Observe output signal if step function, or square wave is applied to the differentiating/integrating circuit.
④ Explain the reason why the voltage, current and impedance become complex value in AC circuit.
⑥ State the definition of resonance, and explain why its important in serial/parallel circuit.
⑦ Analyze serial/parallel circuit.
⑧With the analyzed circuit in ⑦, draw its graph of V and I regarding frequency.
⑨ Derivate the formula about resonance frequency and Q.
⑩ Describe what if Q is very large or small.
⑪ Show the relationship between Q and bandwidth.


-the mechanism of oscilloscope
Oscilloscope would express the waveform with mixing three factors of time, voltage and luminance. And the three factors may be worked when oscilloscope is expressing sinusoidal wave. In oscilloscope, it is very important to accurate the timing coincided with the three factors of time, voltage and luminance. If the three factor were not coincided each other, the waveform may be flowed without stopping or overlapped with another waveforms. So it is very important when the sweep is moved. If we dont repeat the signal what we want to know with no coinciding, we dont get the signal by stooping the waveform. Synchronization is said that the section repeating the sweep is coincided with period of the signal. And moving the synchronized sweep is said triggering

-the mechanism of cathode cay display
The major composed factor of oscilloscope is CRT. CRT is vacuum tube that electron is accelerated by effect of electric field and is biased. Electron is biased in the various direction by the two deflecting plates. In short the electrons is sparkled by crashing a fluorescent material covered with surface of CRT. Then the special circuit may adjust a horizontal position and vertical position.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Oscilloscope and Resonance Circuit
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