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The Definition of the ‘Psychopath’

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. The Definition of the ‘Psychopath’
2. The Difference Between Psychopathy and the Antisocial Personality Disorder
3. The Difference Between General Mental Illnesses and Psychopathy
4. The Diagnosis of Psychopaths
5. What is the Antisocial Personality Disorder
6. The characteristics of the Antisocial Personality Disorder
7. Diagnosis of the Antisocial Personality Disorder
8. Instances of Psychopathy
9. The Cause of the Antisocial Personality
10. How to cure the antisocial personality disorder


The Definition of the ‘Psychopath’

The word psychopath was first used by the French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel in the 19th century, and the German psychologist Schneider explained the concept in the 1920s. It indicates a person who has ‘Psycho-pathy’. It is a personality disorder in which antisocial behavior happens without conscience and without reason. Psychopathy, which is also called the ‘antisocial personality disorder’, is a personality disorder which doesn’t exhibit normal emotion and behavior, and the exact causes of which are not yet known. According to Robert Hare, an expert of criminal psychology who developed the criteria of a psychopath, these people lack the ability to love, and they lack empathy or guilt toward others. If they have shown an understanding or helping behavior toward others, this is merely a deception for another purpose. Also, their ability to endure frustration is very weak. They also strongly and continuously ignore social norms or obligations, and have difficulty in controlling aggression.


참고 자료

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생활 속의 심리학 9판. 김정희, 강혜자, 이상빈, 박세영, 권혁철. 2009. 교보문고
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구속된 비행청소년들의 기질 및 성격 차원, 가정환경 요인과 반사회적 인격 특성간의 관계. 정선주, 서동혁, 함봉진, 조성진, 한창환, 류인균, 홍강의. 2002. 神經精神醫學Vol.41 No.4, 2002. KCI등재
반사회적 성향과 공격성의 관계에서 초기 부적응 도식의 매개 효과. 박서현, 채규만 . 2011. 서강대학교 학생생활상담연구소 | 인간이해 |
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Definition of the ‘Psychopath’
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