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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. 언어능력평가
2. Characteristics of language tests
3. Davies's methods of testing (several current issues in communicative testing)
4. 교실 영어 시험 제작 시 유의사항 (Henning, 1982)
5. 의사소통능력 평가방법


1. 언어능력평가

전통적 인식
: 문법적 능력 평가
변화된 인식
: 문법적 + 담화 + 사회언어적 + 전략적능력 평가

간접 평가(indirect test)
직접평가(direct test)

분리 평가(discrete-point test)
통합평가(integrative test)

(norm-referenced test)
(criterion-referenced test)

The shift in aspect of language: 'know: language competence' → 'can do: communicative competence' ∴ attention to 'how can be tested'

1-1. 언어교육의 궁극적인 목표: 의사소통능력 ‘평가’

1-2. What it is to 'know' a language : linguistic and communicative competence
① Chomsky
- Competence: native speaker's internalized grammar underlying use
- Performance: information it could provide about competence

constraints such as, intention, the roles and relationships of participants and other contextual features at discourse level

interface between the linguistic code and real-world phenomena

② Widdowson: illocutionary act = propositional content + illicutionary force

Grammatical competence
the ability of the voca and grammar skills on sentence level

Discourse competence
the ability to connect sentences and understand the meaning of discourse beyond the sentence level

Socio-linguistic competence
the ability to be able to use the language appropriately according to the situation

Strategic competence
the ability to avoid disconnection of dialogue and shift topic

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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2024년 06월 03일 월요일
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