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닛산(Nissan) 기업분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Abstract

Ⅱ. Discussion1.
1.1. Four Basic International business Strategies
1.1.1. Global Standardization Strategy
1.1.2. Localization Strategy
1.1.3. Transnational Strategy
1.1.4. International Strategy
1.2. International Business Strategies adopted by Nissan
1.2.1. Nissan’s Global Standardization Strategy
1.2.2. Nissan’s Localization Strategy
1.2.3. Nissan’s Transnational Strategy
1.3. Future Strategic Option for Nissan

Ⅲ. Discussion2.
2.1. Advantages of Nissan’s Strategies
2.1.1. Positive Organizational Culture
2.1.2. Nissan of Technology
2.1.3. Not M&A, But Alliance
2.2. Disadvantages of Nissan’s Strategies
2.2.1. Lack of Concentration on Customers’ Needs
2.2.2. Poor Sales in the World Luxury Car Market
2.3. Recommendations for Nissan’s International Competitiveness
2.3.1. Keep Prioritizing Green Technology
2.3.2. Collaboration with World-Top Designers
2.3.3. Mega Platform



The global car market is growing steadily. Due to its endless expansion, there are numerous kinds of cars and their manufacturers. In this report, I’ll focus on Nissan, one of the prominent and well-known Japanese automakers in the world. “Nissan, a leader together with Toyota in the Japanese motor industry, had been established on December 26, 1933 by the name of ‘Jidosha Seizo Co., Ltd’ and was later renamed ‘Nissan Motor Co., Ltd’ (Bong, Min-Jong 2007, p.15)”.Based on international business, there are four kinds of international strategies (global standardization, location, transnational, and international strategy). Nissan has established its international strategies to survive in the global car business. Future strategic option for Nissan is subjective to the theory of strategy evolution.
In addition, Nissan’s strategies other than international strategies have a plenty of things to be discussed. First of all, there are advantages including organizational culture, innovative technologies, and strategic alliance with Renault should be paid attention.

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