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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 chapter. 10 (2017년판) 예렙+결렙

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최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2017학년도 1학기 전기전자응용실험을 수강하면서 작성한 레포트들입니다. 네 번째 디지털 실험입니다.
예비레포트+결과레포트로 구성되어있으며, 성적은 A+를 받았습니다.
처음 실험하시는 분들에게 참고용으로 좋을 것 같습니다.


1. Text
1-1. Theory
1-2. Experimental Setup
1-3. State diagram
1-4. Waveform simulation Results
1-5. FPGA Results
1-6. Discussion

2. Figure

3. Reference

4. Appendix (Arduino Code)


1. Text
1-1. Theory
The concept of state, storing information, comes from memory. We can adjust this state by coding. In theory of state, state of input, state of output value is very important. Because it can change the state. In this concept, time concept is followed. ex) present, past, future value. We can draw diagram of state by this concept. Also theory of state is divided by two. First concept is Moore FSM. Moore FSM derives result by current state only. Second concept is Mealy FSM. Mealy FSM derives result by combination of current output value and input value. Here is differnece between Mealy FSM and Moore FSM. Input value can be joined in selecting output procedure when Mealy FSM. But Moore FSM can not do this procedure. [Figure. 1] shows the concept of Moore FSM and Mealy FSM.

1-2. Experimental Setup
1) Vending Machine
We implemented Vending Machine by programing the Verilog HDL. We assumed that six case of states. Six case of states are as follows.

참고 자료

Fundamentals of Logic Design – Roth/Kinney, 7th edition
PPT Slide of Chapter #10
ElectronicsTutorials – Sequential logic, 「www.electronics-tutorials.ws」
Wikipedia – FSM, 「en.wikipedia.org」

압축파일 내 파일목록

Pre report10.hwp
Result report10.hwp

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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 chapter. 10 (2017년판) 예렙+결렙
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