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[English] 방사성동위원소 radioisotope

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방사성동위원소에 관한 영문 레포트 입니다.
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reference까지 첨부 하였습니다. (APA referencing 6th)


1. radioisotope 정의
2. type of radiation (알파, 베타, 감마)
3. effect of radiation (direct, indirect)
4. half life, transmutation
5. examples of radioisotope (H-3, I-131)


● Radioisotope
It seems to have a tremendous number of substances in Earth, but all matters consist of only around 90 substances with different characteristics (Helmenstine, 2018, para. 2). Substances that cannot be separated or changed into another smaller material are called elements, and these elements exist as small particles, which is called atom (Spencer, Bodner, & Rickard, 2006, p. 3). Atoms are made up of neutrons, protons and electrons, and its unique characteristic are determined by the number of protons (an atomic number) and the total number of protons and neutrons (a mass number) (Spencer et al., 2006, p. 8).

Some types of atoms, however, have the same number of protons each other, but have a different number of neutrons. For example, while most hydrogens have only a proton in their nucleus, the hydrogens (H-3, tritium) which have a proton with two neutrons are found (Silberberg, 2006, p. 988). This type of atoms is called isotopes and tritium is one of hydrogen’s isotopes (Hill, Petrucci, McCreary, & Perry, 2005, p. 40).

참고 자료

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[English] 방사성동위원소 radioisotope
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