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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트] Isolation of bacteria by dilution techniques_Food Microbiology Laboratory

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8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트]

A+ 평가 받은 식품미생물학실험 영문 레포트입니다.
영문으로 기본적인 내용을 잘 적어놓았기 때문에 영문레포트 작성에 좋은 참고가 될 수 있습니다.


1. Title
2. Date
3. Purpose
4. Materials and Equipment
5. Method
6. Data
7. Result and Discussion
8. Reference


① Flame the inoculating loop to redness, allow it to cool, and aseptically obtain a loopful of one broth culture (Staphylococcus aureus).
② To streak a plate, lift one edge of the petri plate cover, and streak the first sector by making as many streaks as possible without overlapping previous streaks. Do not gouge the agar while streaking the plate.
③ Flame your loop and let it cool. Turn the plate so the next sector is on top. Streak through one area of the first sector, and then streak a few times away from the first sector.
④ Flame your loop, turn the plate again, and streak through one area of the second sector. Then streak the third sector.
⑤ Flame your loop, streak through one area of the third sector, and then streak the remaining area of the agar surface, being careful not to make additional contact with any streaks in the previous sections. Flame your loop before setting it down.

참고 자료

5 people in addition to Park-Seock-Ki, 1995, Latest Microbiology Lab, Shin-Gwang Culture, pp67~68, 227~231
Naver Encyclopedia http://100.naver.com/
Wikipedia Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트] Isolation of bacteria by dilution techniques_Food Microbiology Laboratory
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