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PVD 증착 영문보고서 (전자재료 레포트)

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"PVD 증착 영문보고서 (전자재료 레포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Deposition process
2. Examples
3.Thin film deposition techniques
4. Comparison of PVD
5. expectation
6. Conclution
7. Reference


1. Deposition process
Semiconductor chips are not made up of a single circuit, but a structure in which several circuits are stacked. Therefore, it is necessary to form a very thin layer of a material having electrical characteristics, which is referred to as a thin film.

Thin film deposition is one of the semiconductor manufacturing processs. This is the way how to detech the metal particle coated on the growth of thin film technology by vaporizing a portion of the solid meterial in vacuum. So we can stick to the surface of the desired meterial.

2. Examples
A familiar example is the household mirror, which typically has a thin metal coating on the back of a sheet of glass to form a reflective interface.

참고 자료

Functional Polymer Films Eds. R. Advincula and W. Knoll – Wiley, 2011,
Stranski, I. N.; Krastanov, L. (1938). "Zur Theorie der orientierten Ausscheidung von Ionenkristallen aufeinander". Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-Naturwiss.
Rashidian Vaziri, M R (2011). "Monte Carlo simulation of the subsurface growth mode during pulsed laser deposition". Journal of Applied Physics.
Chemical Vapor Deposition Jong-Hee Park, T, S, Sudarshan (2001)
Ariga, Katsuhiko; Yamauchi, Yusuke; Mori, Taizo; Hill, Jonathan P. (1 December 2013). "25th Anniversary Article: What Can Be Done with the Langmuir-Blodgett Method? Recent Developments and its Critical Role in Materials Science". Advanced Materials.
Handbook of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Processing, Donald M. Mattox (2010)
Handbook of Chemical Vapor Deposition, H. O. Pierson (1992)

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