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미국의 마틴루터킹에 대해서 쓴 영문 연설본(미국학교A학점)




Hi everyone. Have you ever heard about Martin Luther King? Of course, yes! Cause we’ve already learned him in this class. I’m Kihoon Kim. Actually I didn’t know civil rights when I was in Korea. After I knew Martin Luther king, I try to know him a lot. Ok! Now I’ll tell you Martin Luther King, especially I want you to know his all life chronologically. AT first, I’m gonna tell you his childhood, and then I’ll say that his education records, rising to a civil rights, and assassination.

First of all, I wonna inform you about his childhood. He was born at January, 15, 1929. His grandfather and his father served as a minister of Church in Atlanta. That means he lived in the typical church family.

Secondly, this part is about his education record. At 1948, he received B.A degree from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta. After then, he was awarded the BD from Crozer seminary in Pennsylvania. He became finally a minister after he received the doctorate degree from Boston University at 1955. In Boston, he met and married Coretta scott, and they had 2sons and 2daughters into the family.

Thirdly, I’ll tell you about him as a civil rights leader. I think this is a key point of my presentation. So please listen carefully.

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