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"slack" 검색결과 141-160 / 5,095건

  • 워드파일 경희대 국제학과 비교지역학CAS 수업에서 작성한 영문 report입니다.(5페이지)
    One of them is the lack of public acceptance on the demands of tax. ... consolidation and how this relationship had contributed to the lack of political development in the ... This includes the disregardance of ethnic conflict in African countries, the lack of emphasis on civil
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2020.09.01
  • 한글파일 독도 사랑 글짓기 영어
    The government should quickly overcome the lack of active publicity and maritime territorial management ... And there is also a lack of publicity about it. ... similar cases abroad.
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2019.06.27
  • 한글파일 영어작문 - 소주 - 외국인 친구에게 영어로 소주 소개하기
    However, in the mid-1960s, when the ban on pure grain liquor was imposed due to a lack of rice, people ... However, in the mid-1960s, when the ban on pure grain liquor was imposed due to a lack of rice, people ... strong.
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.13
  • 파워포인트파일 YG엔터테인먼트 품질경영
    administrative expenses Diversified Business Club Operation Protection their artist when issues occur Lack ... protect their artists regardless of the fact is true or not A lot of drug issue Analyze Problem- ④ Policy Lack ... Subsidiaries YG Entertainment operates a number of subsidiary ventures under a separate public traded
    리포트 | 22페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2020.01.21
  • 워드파일 대학실용영어 에세이
    While staying at home, I got a lot of stress because of lack of social activities. ... Therefore, due to lack of skills, when the number of confirmed corona patients is small, I took lessons ... It was a sad time, and it will be for a while, but it's not good to just be too sad.
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 무료 | 등록일 2020.12.22
  • 워드파일 짧)중국 공유자전거 문제점과 해결방안 한국어 영어
    , and the lack of enforcement laws and policies on bicycle sharing services. ... Second, the institutional problems include the government's lack of supervision and management of bicycle ... sharing companies and users, the lack of infrastructure construction and social credit system implementation
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.09.19
  • 한글파일 (원어민 교정)commencement speech
    There are so many cases where parents are successful at their jobs but lack spending quality time with ... You've been studying hard and it's time to achieve your dream in society. ... I am looking forward to seeing you succeed and prosper in society.
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2021.11.18
  • 워드파일 조직행동론 lawfirm interview, What are the Roles and Responsibilities of a Leader?
    is necessary if employees resist because of a lack of information. ... the overall organization of the law firm and the lawyers of the law firm, as it was considered that I lacked ... have been able to be successful at work so far?
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2022.12.08 | 수정일 2022.12.13
  • 워드파일 영어회화 Intermediate 수업자료 class2
    In a half-hearted way: lacking enthusiasm or interest Ex. ... Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve: to openly display one’s emotions or sentiments Ex. ... Pour one’s heart out: to speak very freely to someone about one’s private and most deeply felt emotions
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2022.08.30
  • 워드파일 [A+ 중앙대 조사연구방법론] Research Critique
    any questions where there was a lack of consensus. ... and formal feedback upon completion of the PSQ may inform them of areas they lack and motivate them ... suitable for the subject.
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2022.09.18
  • 파일확장자 CFA Level 3 요약노트 판매합니다! (2024 최신 커리큘럼 반영)
    Smaller Funds ⦁ Lack expertise and governance structure for complex strategy ⦁ Restriction ... CFA Level 3Asset AllocationAsset Allocation with Real-World ConstraintsLOS 5.a: Discuss asset size, liquidity ... on smaller, inexperienced funds from investing in certain asset ⦁ Leads to insufficient level of
    시험자료 | 279페이지 | 30,000원 | 등록일 2024.01.01 | 수정일 2024.04.18
  • 한글파일 회계감사 과제
    In addition, inherent risk can be increased because of the lack of integrity of a company’s management ... Another situation that could give rise to inherent risk involves a lack of working capital and a decline ... which the correct opinion should be unqualified since the fact is financial statements are materially
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2022.07.15
  • 워드파일 헬스커뮤니케이션 health policy implementation critique 건강정책비평, HPV 백신
    Third, there is a lack of publicity for regular checkups. ... television to promote male HPV vaccination using celebrities, recently, but due to high prices and lack ... gender should participate in the test so that the subject does not remember the test process negatively
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2022.09.10
  • 한글파일 정신간호학 이상행동 학습하기
    자발적으로 움직이지 않고 근육의 긴장으로 그 자세를 유지함 기행증 mannerism 대상자 특유의 버릇으로, 긴장될 때 나타나는 개인의 이상한 몸짓, 표정, 말투 등을 말함 상동증 stereotypy ... 마술적사고 magical thinking 다른 사람의 생각을 읽을 수 있거나 자신의 생각이 현실로 나타났다고 믿는 미신에 몰두, 텔레파시나 천리안 등이 가능하다고 믿음 추상적사고결여 lack ... 것 기시감 Deja-Vu 새로 보는 것, 처음 보는 것을 이전에 봤던 것처럼 친밀감을 느낌 미시감 jamais va 이전에 보았던 것을 생소하게 느끼는 것 판단장애 판단력 결여 lack
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2023.09.12
  • 워드파일 [영문레포트] Individualism and 'Eating alone(혼밥)' Culture on the Campus
    But while this sociocultural change is becoming crucial, there was an almost complete lack of sociological ... I focused on social structure that causes impersonal characteristic, analyze socio-economic background ... And in the process, I understand how this socio-economic background affect students’ individualism and
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2020.12.22
  • 워드파일 죽은 시인의 사회 주인공 정신분석 영문 페이퍼
    Neil also had risk factors for bipolar disorder, including a lack of social support and stressful life ... Nature versus Nurture While bipolar disorder is known to have a genetic predisposition, stress and lack ... While no one recognized Neil's psychiatric signs and symptoms, his friends realized that Thomas Perry
    리포트 | 7페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.01
  • 한글파일 신경심리평가 집행기능
    -The Iowa Scales of Persnality Change(pp.669~670)은, lack of stamina scale 뿐만 아니라 lack of initiation(주도성 ... 부족), lack of persistence and perseveration scale을 포함하는 scales from Executive/Decision-Making Deficits ... . - Many persons who lack volitional capacity simply do not think of anything to do. - volitional capacity를
    리포트 | 17페이지 | 5,000원 | 등록일 2019.06.08
  • 워드파일 [도요타(Toyota)] 도요타가 겪은 퀄리티 이슈, 리콜 사태 및 해결방안
    Lack of communication, initial failure to respond, and lack of measures to address the crisis of integration ... Organizations were reorganized by product such as small cars, mid-size cars, and luxury cars to focus ... on making cars more efficient.
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2019.06.03
  • 워드파일 The teaching of chocolate (영어에세이)
    The teaching of chocolate When I was younger, I lacked responsibility. ... Other students spent their time studying or sleeping during each break time, but I ran back and forth ... When I was a freshman in middle school, I was ICT study guide.
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2023.10.03
  • 워드파일 Premature Rupture of Membrane 케이스스터디 영어
    Cesarean section wound dressing at incision site O3. frown face #2 Anxiety related to lack of information ... birth 행동 성과 목표: The patient will be able to express that the pain i related to lack of information after ... surgical incision secondary to cesarean birth S1.
    리포트 | 16페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2024.01.23 | 수정일 2024.02.03
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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