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일제강점기 지리 교과서 삽화 연구: 내재된 이데올로기와 표현방식의 변형

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최종 저작일
24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 29권
저자명 : 신수경

영어 초록

The textbook is the most accurate method to show the actual circumstances of the same age. It shows contemporary political ideology and social condition, because it is published for that aim. The textbook in Japanese occupation period, when the government-general used the textbook for the medium to colonialize, had an absolute influence on Chosun. This research shows that the textbook in Japanese occupation period, especially the geography, reflected the world view and social consciousness of the government-general just like bourgeois ideology and request in the portrait. Japan not only justified its imperialism of 1930s by comparing industrialized Japan with other asian countries lagging behind, but also infused the idea that Chosun was the same country with Japan by showing all kinds of data. A representative example was the illustrations of “elementary geography” which included the streets, ports, markets, industrial circles. In the illustrations Korea was downgraed to Japanese undeveloped region which could not be compared with developed Japan.
The Japanese imperialism in the geography showed itself not only in the part of Chosun but also in the part of the world. It downgraded colonies to the places for materials, justified colonization and emphasized that Japan was not behind of European powerful countries.
From a point of view for style, illustrations were transformed to practical landscape paintings which were different from the notion of landscape paintings. The railroad and tunnel in the nature were the biggest changes. In the second place, a new method which could be called “photo picture” was tried in illustrations to overcome the fault of photo and the dullness of printing. Painters painted pictures to make the illustrations of “elementary geography”. This research reaches these conclusions ; The illustrations which were printed by the help of the printing technique were photoengraved by the development of camera in 16th century. Then photos were upgraded by “photo picture” to overcome the fault of photo and the dullness of printing. Both picture and photo were upgraded again by computer graphic in the late 20th century.
This research shows the meaning and politics of the geography which was made to teach students of Chosun in Japanese occupation. In addition this research arranges the expression forms and developments of illustrations through analyzing them.

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일제강점기 지리 교과서 삽화 연구: 내재된 이데올로기와 표현방식의 변형
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