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국립중앙박물관 소장 慶州 출토 八部衆面石의 원소재지 검토

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최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 29권
저자명 : 신용철

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to estimate the original location of the Eight Classes of Divine Beings(八部衆) - inscribed on the Twin Pagodas - in the possession of National Museum of Korea and to examine their importance in the overall iconography. The Eight Classes of Divine Beings, which were established in the middle of the 8th century, appeared thereafter on the stylobates of stone pagodas for some 200 years, and underwent diverse iconographic changes. Although the Eight Classes of Divine Beings are mentioned in various scriptures, their layouts or iconography are not specified. Also, since China and Japan have no diverse iconographic changes, Korea has few targets to compare with its Eight Classes of Divine Beings. Thus, iconographic changes of Silla’s Eight Classes of Divine Beings are supposed to be found out within Silla’s stone pagodas.
The image of Eight Classes of Divine Beings, which is in the possession of National Museum of Korea, was discovered when the Castle of Gyeongju was removed, and then was relocated to the museum. The image is known to have been relocated from a certain temple site in Gyeongju, and to be from twin pagodas. However, in a recent excavation work, one face stone inscribed with Eight Classes of Divine Beings was discovered, in the allegedly Inyongsa Temple site(傳仁容寺址), one of twin-pagoda temples dating back to Silla, north of Mt. Namsan. This drew attention. We thus presented various evidences, and estimated that there is a high possibility that the image of Eight Classes of Divine Beings in the possession of National Museum of Korea may be a member of the twin pagodas in the allegedly Inyongsa Temple site.
Generally, twin pagodas with relief images tend to avoid identical iconographies; the appearance of the image of Eight Classes of Divine Beings on the twin pagodas holds a significant meaning in the historical changes of the iconographies. These changes are found in the twin pagodas of Sungboksa Temple site; the image of Eight Classes of Divine Beings, in the possession of National Museum of Korea, attempted to make more positive changes, thereby embodying a guarding image, which had not appeared before in Gyeongju. This image, which appeared significantly in the 9th century, is believed to have helped the iconographic establishment of the Eight Classes of Divine Beings which guarded Buddhist pagodas.
Thus, the image of Eight Classes of Divine Beings in the possession of National Museum of Korea is believed to have played a crucial role in creating Silla’s iconography of Eight Classes of Divine Beings in the time of the 8th century transiting to the 9th century. The appearance and establishment of Eight Classes of Divine Beings inscribed on twin pagodas developed into new iconographies, which is believed to have been made possible from a different perspective of the development of Silla’s stone pagodas. This suggests that images of Eight Clases of Divine Beings, which appeared in Gyeongju and Gangwon, developed not separately, but in the iconographic homogeneity.

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국립중앙박물관 소장 慶州 출토 八部衆面石의 원소재지 검토
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