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Human Resource Management

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
37페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Executive summary

2. Introduction
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Scope
2.3 Methodology
2.4 Limitations

3. Background

4. Human Resource Management

5. Mission and Vision

6. The role of HR in relation to their business strategy

7. Staffing

8. Human Resource Development

9. Performance management

10. Reward management

11. Conclusion

12. Recommendations


Appendix A - SWOT Analysis
Appendix B- PESTEL Analysis
Appendix C - GAP Analysis
Appendix D- Questionnaires & Answers from the interview with HR manager
Appendix E - Questionnaires & Answers from the interview with the non-HR employee


1. Executive Summary

In the last 20 years, the development of human resource function has newly considered as a unit of department in the organisation. This is because the increasing importance of recognition in human capital have sustained the organisational competitive advantage through the means of understanding, nurturing, utilising and rewarding the use of human capital.

Within this report, a coverage of the human resource integration has been done based on our extensive research to give how this integration of human capital bounding among policies, practices and strategies are consistently in match with the strategies of the organisation.
Indian Hotel Company Limited (IHCL) is the largest hotel company in India and South-East Asia. Their main business is that Taj Hotel is recognized as one of the Top global hotel groups providing exceptional customer satisfaction. Therefore, HR management set specific strategies (staffing, human resource development, performance management, and reward management) to support business strategy.
In order to difference from other hotels, they have been pursued innovation and quality enhancement. Taj hotel has run 24 hours coffee restaurant for customers and they try to merge other international hotels, which locate in overseas countries to build brand in the world. Due to this, HR management has staffing strategy to support new service moreover they provide regularly training program for new staffs working other international hotels.

With regard to performance and reward management, they use BSC (Balance Score Card) to transparent employees performance as well as they held special ceremony for high performance employees.

These kind of strategies of Taj’s hotel HR management is close integrative linkage with business strategic planning from director’s meeting.

참고 자료

Beer, M & Cannon, MD., 2004, Promise and peril in implementing pay-for performance, Human Resource Management, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 3-20.

De Cieri, H. and Kramar, R., 2005, Human Resource Management in Australia: Strategy People Performance, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Australia,Macquarie Park, NSW.

Dessler, G., Griffiths, J. & Lloyld-Walder, B., 2004, Human Resource Management, 2nd edition. Pearson Education Australia, NSW

Furnham, A., 2004, Performance management systems, European Business Journal, vol.16 no. 2, pp. 83-94.

Ketchen, DJ, Snow, Cc and Street VL, 2004, Improving firm performance by matching strategic decision-making processes to competitive dynamics, Academy of Management Executive, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 29-44

Levison, H,. 2003, Management by whose objectives?, Harvard Business Review, Jan., vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 3-11.

Long, RJ & Shields, JL., 2005, Best practice or best fit? High involvement management and base pay practices in Canadian and Australian firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resour
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